Dr. Sofie Van Regenmortel
Education: Master Adult Educational Sciences, PhD in Educational Sciences, option Adult Educational Sciences
Research themes: Social exclusion, participation, involvement, and civic engagement
Sofie Van Regenmortel obtained a PhD in 2017 with a thesis titled: "Social Exclusion in Later Life (SELL). Measurement and drivers of social exclusion among older adults". After her PhD Sofie worked at Statbel, the Belgian Statistical Office, and acquainted experience in collecting, cleaning and matching administrative databases for statistical purposes. Besides she was actively engaged in and co-coordinated different Statistical Literacy projects. Currently she works as a postdoctoral researcher in Adult Educational Sciences (VUB) in different projects related to civic engagement in later life (CIVEX), innovating housing for older adults and subjective wellbeing (HOUSE), and the needs of incarcerated people regarding reintegration and reduction of recidivism. The latter concerns the BRuG-research, which is financed by the department of Public Health, Welfare and Family of the Flemish Government.
Pleinlaan 2
1050 Brussel