Welcome on the website of the research group PALD
The interdisciplinary research group PArticipation & Learning in Detention (PALD) was launched in 2017 at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel and is a collaboration between the Department of Educational Sciences, Criminology and Movement and Sport Sciences.
PALD focuses on the target group of ‘incarcerated people’ and connects the concepts 'participation', 'learning' and 'detention'. (Participatory) Research about the participation of people in detention in formal, non-formal and informal learning activities (e.g., vocational training, cultural activities, active citizenship, sports activities) is a priority.
Large-scaled research on needs for reintegration of persons in Flemish and Brussels’ prisons (BRuG-project) (in Dutch)
After years of intensive research, you can find the research results of the BRuG-research, about needs for reintegration and reduction of recidivism among incarcerated persons in Flanders and Brussels. This research is commissioned by the Agency of Justice and Enforcement.Music programs in UK prisons [Dutch]
In September, the Dutch journal 'Fatik: Tijdschrift voor strafbeleid en gevangeniswezen' published our article about music programs in prisons in the UK. Read it here. This article is in Dutch.